Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Home, Sweet Home! [Devotional]

Dear beloved students wherever you are, greetings in the might name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I have this devotional for you today: Home, Sweet Home!

1 Thes.2:1-12

I suppose I had many reasons for taking the train home from college so many holidays. I did bring back bags of books and clothes, like most college guys. But the real reason was that nothing felt quite like home. Nothing was quite as comfortable as Mom cooking in the tiny kitchen, etc.

Home was warm, comfortable, a place where I was welcomed and loved even if I was a college man now, and out on my own. Home had a climate all its own.

Paul understood this as well as anyone. He knew that home is the one really effective climate for evangelism and for spiritual growth. So Paul not only brought others the Gospel in word, he created a sense of family by the way he loved every member of the Thessalonian church.

What people need today, perhaps even more than in other times, is that climate of warmth, intimacy, and caring that marks a loving home. The church (fellowship) that provides this climate will be sure to grow. And its members will become mature.

Personal Application

Build your church (fellowship) as birds build nests—one tiny twig of love at a time.

Quotable: We Exist To Provide Love And Care For One Another...

through sharing each other's needs, burdens, and joys through serving each other in a sacrificial way through learning how to love and be loved.

God in His grace, has given us to each other. An integral part of our life as His body is caring for and supporting each other.—From the Mission Statement, Crossroads Community Church.
Dr. Huruma Nkone